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Monday, December 10, 2012

The Beginning

Back in mid October, our stake announced major boundary changes.  Ward names were dissolved and renamed.  Even times were changed.  It left many in shock but most were excited for the new adventure. 

The announcement automatically released many from their callings.  I, included.  I had been Visiting Teaching Coordinator for a little over 1.5 years and just like that, I had no calling.  Two weeks later (Stake Conference the week after announcement) we all attended our new ward and you can imagine the great scramble the bishops had to fill callings.  A week later I was called to be Primary 1st Counselor.  I was practically clueless about the Primary dealings so you can imagine how terrified I was but accepted the calling knowing it was the Lord's will. 

November 18th became the first day for the entire newly called Primary Presidency (though our Primary President was out of town for that week and the following).  It was a bit confusing for us, the Primary teachers, and the  children but we managed.  That said, the following Sunday would be my first sharing time.

Of the presidency, I was the most lost.  Our second counselor had previous experience in the primary presidency so she was on the ball with everything ... suggesting ideas left and right and having just been Relief Society President, she was use to leading. Our secretary was pretty adept and our president had primary presidency experience as well.  That left me quiet and struggling to adapt and make some sort of contribution.  It was such an awful feeling!!

My first sharing time went well and it gave me uplift that I did have something to contribute.  Then I did sharing time yesterday and one of the teachers, who was happy and impressed, complimented me that I was correctly called to the position.  She made my day!  I felt some semblance of belonging.  It may perhaps be that sharing time is my strong suit, I certainly will do my darnedest to continue that and learn all the other aspects of my calling.  I absolutely didn't know ANYTHING about Activity Days.  I'm so glad that the newly called Activity Days Leader is knowledgeable and have everything under control ...makes my life easier!  Hehe...  Plus, I have "old" (previous ward) friends to pick their brains for help.  I'll get there, I'll get there!

Well, that's my story and I created this blog to document my journey in this new calling.  Giving place for sharing time presentations I did or plan to do.  Perhaps someone out there is in a similar boat and might find something useful here. 

Pray for me!  Thanks.  :)


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